
March 2025 newsletter: Rubrics, new question types, bug fixes, and more!

Hi there, I hope this winter has treated you well! In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Rubrics feature!
  • *NEW* question types for Question Banks!
  • New features, bug fixes and other improvements
  • Site licenses for the Dashboard
  • Resources for Women’s History Month

*NEW* Rubrics feature!

Back in the fall, I received an email from a teacher whose district had moved to a “proficiency based model” for grading on a 0-4 scale and wondered if I could incorporate this concept into Since I had used something similar when I taught Environmental Science, I started playing around with adding it to the Dashboard, and after several false starts, I finally got it working – introducing Rubrics! Dashboard with Rubrics submenu option highlighted

Now, you can create two different kinds of rubrics – “Percent correct” and “Total correct” – to score your students’ results on the Dashboard! Rubrics can have up to 10 points, and you can label each point so that students understand what their score means when they complete an assignment. Here are some example rubrics:

A screenshot from the Dashboard shows three examples of rubrics

Just like Question Banks, Assignments and Classes, you can share editing permissions for your rubrics with other teachers at your school, but to make them easier, any rubric you create is usable by any other teacher at your school that uses the Dashboard.

To get started, go to the Dashboard and click on Assignments and then Rubrics. Follow these directions to create your rubric. Finally, when you’re creating or editing an assignment, you can choose which rubric you’d like to use, and it’ll be applied to all results for that assignment on the Results and Grades pages. Students will be able to see rubric labels when they complete an assignment, and rubric labels will be displayed on the Results page alongside scores. You can also export rubric scores just like you would regular scores so you can import them into your LMS.

Thanks to Martin and Zack for this great suggestion and for their help in testing it out! Suggestions from teachers and educators around the world help make better for everyone, so if you ever have any ideas or suggestions you’d like to share, please reach out and let me know!

*NEW* question types for Question Banks! 

My Advanced Chemistry classes were recently doing a simple calorimetry lab when I was wondering whether it would be possible to have students enter their results and calculations and have the Dashboard automatically grade them. This gave me the idea to add two new question types for Question Banks – “fill-in-the-blank (range)” and “text block (no question)“!

A screenshot from the Dashboard shows two new question types for Question Banks: range, and text block

The first question type, “fill-in-the-blank (range)“, lets you define minimum and maximum values for a correct answer to a question. For example, my students were supposed to dissolve 5.00 grams of calcium chloride in 100 mL of water in their coffee cup calorimeter. In my lab activity, one of the questions asked them to calculate the heat change from dissolving CaCl2, and based on its heat of solution (∆Hsoln = -82.8 kJ/mol), this process should produce a predictable value within a certain range.

I told my students to “get close” to 5 grams when they were weighing it out, so I figured the range of acceptable masses would be between 4.50 to 5.50 g. Converting 4.50 g CaCl2 to ∆H gives -3.36 kJ, and converting 5.50 g CaCl2 to ∆H gives -4.10 kJ, so with the new question type, I can use those values as my maximum and minimum correct answers for this question, and I can do something similar for the rest of the lab calculations. And just like “fill-in-the-blank (range)”, you can require answers with the correct number of sig figs!

This idea led me to the need for the second question type, “text block (no question)“, which technically isn’t a question at all. Instead, it’s a way for you to enter directions, images, links, or whatever is needed so that your students can successfully complete the assignment. To demonstrate how text blocks could be used, I’ve created this example assignment for you to try out. Just make sure you don’t randomize the order of your questions, otherwise it’s likely to confuse your students! Please note: “text block” questions will not be scored and will not be included in the total number of items in an assignment.

Try out the new question types with your Question Banks assignments and let me know what you think!

New features, bug fixes & other improvements

In addition to the new features listed above, I’ve also made the following enhancements, corrections and bug fixes across

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • new feature: added the ability to delete student results instead of just archiving them (thanks, Anna & Yaritza!)
  • new feature: added an option to sort assignments in the student Dashboard by Available Date (thanks, Annie!)
  • new feature: added the ability to export results as percentages on the Export page
  • enhancement: added a “Copy URL to Clipboard” button for sharing assignment URLs
  • enhancement: updated how question bank assignments are listed in the Dashboard for better consistency
  • bug fix: assignment filter wasn’t working on the Grades page (thanks, Jim!)
  • bug fix: yellow background was no longer showing up for late submissions on the Grades page (thanks, Casey!)
  • bug fix: exporting results in the grid format would produce raw high scores and not rubric scores (thanks, Martin!)
  • bug fix: option to export results in Canvas format wasn’t working
  • bug fix: tags filter menu wasn’t showing up on the Assignments page, which would show the filter buttons if there were tags but no classes
  • bug fix: “Question Banks” quiz name wasn’t showing up on list of assignments on the Export page
  • bug fix: links to external resources on the Assignments page were broken if the link had an apostrophe in it (e.g., Hess’s Law)

Question Banks

  • new feature: added an optional unit field for numeric question types (thanks, Pamela!)
  • new feature: added a “range” numeric question type with minimum and maximum values
  • new feature: added a “text (no question)” question type for directions, images, etc.
  • enhancement: after creating a new question bank, teacher is automatically directed to “Managing questions” page
  • bug fix: bulk actions menu was showing up even though there were no questions

All Quizzes

  • bug fix: updated directions on most quizzes to include the tolerance value
  • bug fix: custom name for printable mode was breaking on apostrophes
  • bug fix: links to external resources were broken if they had an apostrophe (e.g., Hess’s Law)

Acid-Base Equilibrium Quiz

  • bug fix: percent ionization problems would sometimes switch to asking for [H+] of bases but calculated the answer for [OH] instead (thanks, Christopher!)

Balancing, Identifying & Predicting Chemical Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: trying to generate a quiz using presentation mode would crash the quiz (thanks, Nick!)

Bond Polarity & Electronegativity Quiz

  • enhancement: added the electronegativity values table as an assignment resource that teachers can include at the top of an assignment (thanks, Clare!)

Chemical Equilibrium Quiz

  • bug fix: corrected the wording on problems that only had one compound in gas state (thanks, Mary Ann!)
  • correction: improved the wording for rounding directions (thanks, Nick!)

Concentrations & Colligative Properties of Solutions Quiz

  • bug fix: freezing point depression problems solving for kg of solvent were incorrectly using Kb to calculate the answer instead of Kf (thanks, Mary Ann!)

Elements & Isotopes Quiz

  • bug fix: “cesium ion” was not being accepted as a correct answer for the name of Cs+ (thanks, Rob!)

Hess’s Law Quiz

  • enhancement: added link to “Hess’s Law” chapter in LibreTexts as an assignment resource
  • bug fix: extra line breaks were displaying between question number and question in printable mode

Kinetics & Rate Laws Quiz

  • new feature: added an advanced option* to exclude 1st/2nd order reactions from problems involving half-lives (thanks, Casey!)

Molar Conversions Quiz

  • new feature: added “Exclude compounds with” advanced option* (thanks, Mary Ann!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • enhancement: added ammonia and ozone to exclusion list (thanks, Nick M.!)
  • enhancement: added arsenate ion and metasilicate ion to exclusion list (thanks, Mark!)
  • correction: silicic acid was corrected to metasilicic acid (thanks, Nick C.!)
  • correction: added (Hg2)2SiO4 as an alternate formula for mercury(I) orthosilicate (thanks again, Nick C.!)
  • correction: correct the compound name for Zn(NO3)2•4H2O had an incorrect name (thanks for this too, Nick C.!)

Organic Nomenclature Quiz

  • new feature: added an advanced option* to accept non-IUPAC synonyms as correct answers for fill-in-the-blank questions (thanks, Kendra!)
  • bug fix: aldehyde diagrams were missing the hydrogen on the functional group (CH=O, not C=O) (thanks again, Kendra!)

Solubility Quiz

  • new feature: added a solubility chart handout to the Helpful Chemistry handouts page (thanks, Rhonda!)
  • enhancement: added the solubility table to the quiz directions and as an assignment resource that teachers can include at the top of an assignment (thanks again, Rhonda!)
  • bug fix: numeric multiple choice options that didn’t need to be converted to scientific notation weren’t being displayed (thanks, Susan!)

Stoichiometry & Limiting Reagents Quiz

  • bug fix: student answer was not being compared to the correct answer with the proper number of sig figs (thanks, Pamela!)

Other improvements

* advanced options are only available to teachers with an active site license for the Dashboard

Thanks again to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or reported a bug! If you come across any problems or issues while using, please fill out this short Contact form so I can do my best to fix it as soon as possible.

Site licenses for the Dashboard

Thank you again to everyone who has purchased or renewed their site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free.

With an active site license, you can:

  • create assignments for your students using the quizzes on the site
  • select the options you want that best match your students’ needs, including advanced options
  • allow your students to save their progress
  • build exams from multiple assignments
  • create custom question banks with your own questions or those shared by the educator community
  • use the “tab switch detection” anti-cheating feature
  • review results with your students so they can correct misconceptions and grasp concepts more quickly
  • track your students’ progress and download results for data analysis
  • score assignments with your own custom rubrics

If you’d like to purchase a 12-month site license for just US$70, you can do so in any of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote!)
  • CashApp, PayPal, or Venmo at or @ChemQuizDotNet (because Zelle is discontinuing its app, I can no longer accept payments through Zelle – sorry!)

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can also bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions at all about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also make it possible for me to make the Dashboard free for almost 200 U.S. public schools with a majority of students who are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school in the United States (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), just send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever –, too!

I’ll start sending out renewal reminders for next school year in early April, but you can always renew early if you’d like. If you need a sales quote for next school year, please let me know and I’ll be happy to generate one for you!

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on BlueSky 🦋 and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

In last month’s newsletter, I shared an awesome slide deck of chemists for Black History Month that I’d found, so it only seemed appropriate to go looking for a similar resource for Women’s History Month. As a result, I found this amazing free resource called “Diversity in Chemistry” created by Dr. Kate Ries of Metro State University that has pages and pages of chemists of different backgrounds organized by discipline. Better yet, Dr. Ries also organized each discipline into PowerPoint and Google Slides presentations, so if you’re looking for a great resource to use in class, check it out!

Thanks again for your continued support of! Please contact me any time using the Contact form or by emailing me at if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, and I’ll see you in spring!



February 2025 newsletter: new quiz features, custom images in Question Banks, and more!

Hello again, and Happy Black History Month! In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* quiz features – student answer “tolerance” option, Nuclear Reactions Quiz question type
  • Using Google Sites to add custom images in Question Banks
  • New features, bug fixes and other improvements
  • Site licenses for the Dashboard

*NEW* quiz features!

The following new quiz features are now available on

Advanced option* for student answer “tolerance” added to most quizzes

I’ve added a “tolerance” advanced option to nearly every quiz on that requires calculations so that you can modify the range of acceptable answers in your assignments:

A screenshot of the new tolerance advanced option on

When you create or edit an assignment in the Dashboard, you can use the slider to change the range from within 1% of the correct answer (which is very strict) up to within 10% (which is very lenient). This way, if you find that a quiz is scoring student responses in a way different than you’d prefer, you can modify it to your liking.

This new tolerance option is available immediately for the following quizzes:

If you like the way that these quizzes are currently scored, the default tolerance value has been 2% since the site began, so you don’t have to modify this setting if you don’t want to.

* advanced options are only available to teachers with an active site license for the Dashboard

“Identify reaction type” questions in Nuclear Reactions Quiz

The Nuclear Reactions Quiz is one of the original 10 quizzes from when launched back in the summer of 2020, but I never thought to generate questions about identifying nuclear reaction types. Thankfully, Kenneth made that suggestion on the Teacher Discussion Forum, so it’s now available to everyone:

A screenshot of the new types of nuclear reactions option on the Nuclear Reactions Quiz on ChemQuiz.netYou can then generate questions with a dropdown selection menu, or you can generate multiple choice options:

A screenshot of the new nuclear reaction type question on

A screenshot of multiple choice questions of the new nuclear reaction type question on

This new feature is a perfect example of how your suggestions help me improve the site, so if you ever have an idea to make better for everyone, please reach out and let me know!

Using Google Sites to add custom images in Question Banks

Since introducing the new Question Banks feature last month, I’ve received lots of positive feedback and helpful bug reports. One question that has come up several times is how you can add your own custom images to your questions. It’s possible to do this, but it requires uploading your images to a different site and making the images publicly available.

Fortunately, Google Sites is freely available to anyone with a personal Gmail account (and may be available to anyone with a Google for Education account, although it depends on your district’s settings). If you upload the images to a Google Site and publish them on a hidden page, you can embed them into your custom questions and use them in a Questions Bank assignment. Here are the steps:

First, go to Google Sites and, if necessary, log in to your Google account. Then, in the lower right corner, hover over the big “+” button so that it turns into a pencil; click this button to create a new site:


Then, once your new site has been created, hover over the big “+” button in the lower right corner until it turns into a document; click this button to create a new page:

Give the page a name – you can call it whatever you want – and then click “Done”:

Then, click on the three vertical dots next to your new page in the right navigation menu and select “Hide from navigation” (this prevents students from stumbling onto your page and viewing the images you plan to use):

Click on the “Insert” tab in the upper right of the page and upload or select the image(s) you want to use:

Once all the images you want to use have been added to the page, click the purple “Publish” button in the upper right corner:

This will make the images you added publicly available to be embedded into a Question Banks question. At the bottom of the window, you there will be a popup notification that your site has been published successfully; click on the “view” link, or you can click on the preview icon at the top of the page (it looks like a laptop and a phone):

This will display the page with your image(s) that you added. Right-click on the image you want to use in a question (or ctrl-click on a Mac) and select “Copy Image Address” from the popup menu:

The menu will look slightly different in Safari or Firefox, but you want to copy the web address of the image, not the image itself.

(We’re almost done, I promise!)

Go to the Dashboard and either create or edit a question in Question Banks. In the question editing box, click the “Insert/edit image” button all the way to the right:

Finally, paste the image address into the “Source” box in the popup window and click “Save”:

You can also modify the width and height of the image, and it’ll scale proportionally. I recommend using percentages, so if you use a screenshot and it looks huge in your question, try changing the width to 25% and see how it looks. With a little practice, you should be able to add images to your questions whenever you’d like! To be clear, you’re not limited to using Google Sites – you’re welcome to use any image hosting service that you prefer.

My long-term plan is to add the ability for teachers to upload their own images to an “image bank” in the Dashboard, but managing images uploaded by users is a lot more complicated and takes up a lot more space than managing text-based questions, so I probably won’t be able to add that feature until this summer when I have time to develop and test it properly.

I hope this is helpful to anyone looking to spice up their custom questions, and super special thanks to Pamela and Casey for helping me test out these steps! Their help was invaluable.

New features, bug fixes & other improvements

In addition to the new features listed above, I’ve also made the following enhancements, corrections and bug fixes across

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • bug fix: “Take Quiz” button for Question Banks assignments was directing students to the home page (thanks, Darlene!)
  • bug fix: class filter for “Student View” would only show the last class in the list (thanks, Shelley!)
  • bug fix: shortlink to Question Banks assignment from the teacher’s “Current Assignments” page was incorrect


  • bug fix: exams were not loading due to an unset section number (thanks, Kimberly!)

Question Banks

  • new feature: added “create assignment” link next to each Question Bank in a teacher’s list
  • bug fix: quiz would lock up when a question bank was empty or had been deleted
  • bug fix: students couldn’t complete an assignment more than once even when the assignment was set for multiple attempts
  • bug fix: quiz results would list standards even if there were no standards associated with the questions
  • bug fix: colleagues couldn’t manage questions in Question Banks that were shared with them
  • bug fix: community question banks page would crash due to an undeclared array

Electron Configurations Quiz

  • bug fix: Aufbau boxes array was causing the quiz to crash when quiz values were loaded from previously saved progress (thanks, Tamara!)

Gas Laws Quiz

  • bug fix: quiz was crashing in Continuous mode (thanks, John!)

Hess’s Law Quiz

  • correction: removed some problematic thermochemical equations (thanks, Shauna!)

Lab Equipment Quiz

  • enhancement: added “drench shower” and “suction flask” as alternate names (thanks, Don!)

Mass Ratios, Percent Composition & Empirical Formulas Quiz

  • correction: several oxalate compounds had the wrong empirical formula (CsC2O4, Cu2C2O4, Li2C2O4, Rb2C2O4) (thanks, Lan!)
  • correction: B2H6 didn’t have the correct empirical formula in the database, should be BH3 (thanks, Susan!)

Molar Conversions Quiz

  • bug fix: quiz was not grading some numerical answers correctly (thanks, Michael!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • enhancement: added cyanate ion and formate ion to exclude list (thanks, Nick!)

Nuclear Reactions Quiz

  • bug fix: reaction type word problems only had three multiple choice options

Periodic Trends Quiz

  • bug fix: ionic radii for francium and radium were not being loaded if “Use general periodic trends” option was selected (thanks, Alexis!)

Stoichiometry & Limiting Reagents Quiz

  • bug fix: fixed the wording for limiting reagents problems

Other improvements

  • enhancement: increased the max number of database connections due to increased server load
  • enhancement: disabled WooCommerce PayPal Payments plugin that was slowing down the site
  • enhancement: rearranged the option order on several quizzes for improved consistency across the site

As always, thanks to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or reported a bug! Please fill out this short Contact form if you come across any problems on so I can do my best to fix it as soon as possible.

Site licenses for the Dashboard

Thank you to everyone who has purchased or renewed their site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free.

With an active site license, you can:

  • create assignments for your students using the quizzes on the site
  • select the options you want that best match your students’ needs, including advanced options
  • allow your students to save their progress
  • build exams from multiple assignments
  • create custom question banks with your own questions or those shared by the educator community
  • use the “tab switch detection” anti-cheating feature
  • review results with your students so they can correct misconceptions and grasp concepts more quickly
  • track your students’ progress and download results for data analysis

If you’d like to purchase a 12-month site license for just US$70, you can do so in any of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote!)
  • CashApp, PayPal, or Venmo at or @ChemQuizDotNet (because Zelle is discontinuing its app, I can no longer accept payments through Zelle – sorry!)

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can also bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions at all about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also make it possible for me to make the Dashboard free for almost 200 U.S. public schools with a majority of students who are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school in the United States (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), just send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever –, too!

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on BlueSky 🦋 and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

Last year, a teacher on Facebook posted this great bulletin board display for Black History Month called “Celebrating African-American champions of Science & Engineering“, so our Science Department printed it out and put it up in our hallway display case and got some really positive feedback from it. Unfortunately, I don’t know who created this excellent resource, but I thought I’d share it in case you were looking for some decorations for your own classroom!

One last thing – I’ve been working on a big new feature that I had hoped to debut with this newsletter (hint: it rhymes with “new tricks”!), but unfortunately it’s not quite ready yet, so I’ll post a notification in the Dashboard once it’s fully working and tested.

Thanks so much for your continued support of! Please feel free to contact me any time using the Contact form or by email at if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, and stay safe!



January 2025 🎉 newsletter: new Question Banks, new Dashboard features, special offer and more!

Happy New Year! 🥳 I hope you’ve all had a restful and relaxing holiday season and are fully recharged to tackle 2025. In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* custom Question Banks!
  • *NEW* Dashboard features – Student View, percentages, improved assignment ordering, and rich-text editing
  • Bug fixes and other improvements
  • Site licenses for the Dashboard, including a special 6-month offer!

*NEW* custom Question Banks!

I’m really excited to share this latest update with you, because I think it’s one of the most significant upgrades to since I started the site in 2020 – Question Banks!

A screenshot of the Dashboard showing the new Question Banks feature

Now, teachers can enter their own questions into a custom question bank in the Dashboard and create assignments from that bank that are automatically graded, just like the regular quizzes on the site. You can create question banks about chemistry vocabulary, or a topic that’s not currently covered by an existing quiz, or a lab activity, or anything you’d like, and you can create a single assignment that pulls from multiple banks for quick and easy review!

Question types include:

Fill-in-the-blank (text), with options for case sensitivity, chemical formula formatting with subscripts, and additional correct answers:

A screenshot from showing the Fill-in-the-blank (text) question type in the new Question Banks feature

Fill-in-the-blank (numeric), with options for error (how close the student answer has to be to yours) and requiring correct sig figs:

A screenshot from showing the Fill-in-the-blank (numeric) question type in the new Question Banks feature


A screenshot from showing the True/false question type in the new Question Banks feature

Multiple choice, with up to 10 options (correct answer(s) and distractor(s)) and the ability to shuffle, format as chemical formulas, or to automatically generate distractors (wrong answers) from other terms in the same question bank:

A screenshot from showing the Multiple choice question type in the new Question Banks feature

Detailed directions on how to create questions banks are available here. When you create a question, you can format it using the WYSIWYG editor, so you can format your question with bold, italics, subscripts, superscripts, colors, special characters (e.g., →), emojis 🥳 and images! You can also import question banks from a CSV file, and you can change the order in which questions appear using a new drag & drop interface, which would be useful for worksheets or assessments when answers must be entered in a specific order. I also included the option to include an explanation or solution that is shown to your students after finishing their assignment as well as the ability to identify the relevant science standard for that question for future data analysis.

Another exciting feature is that you can access question banks that have been shared by other educators in the community! To get this started, I’ve created eleven question banks from the practice quizzes I’ve provided to my CP Chemistry students in the past, and I’ve also created 42 vocabulary question banks from the free LibreTexts Chemistry online textbook – 21 multiple choice banks and 21 fill-in-the-blank banks – with a total of 782 chemistry terms! My hope is that you’ll find something that will be helpful to you and your students, and in return, you’ll share something that will be helpful to other science teachers across the world. (Please note: when you create a copy of a question bank, it creates a copy of every question in that bank, so you can then modify each question to your liking; this means that when you share a bank with the community, it can’t be modified by others.)

One last point I’d like to make: since you can create a Question Bank about any topic, you’re not limited to chemistry! If you teach additional subjects (e.g., biology, environmental science, etc.), you can use this new feature for those classes as well. Also, it’s not limited to science – if you have an active Dashboard license, that covers all teachers at your school, so your colleagues who teach a less exciting subject 😁such as ELA, social studies or math can also use this feature for their own classes. To add them to the Dashboard, you can either email me with your colleagues’ names and email addresses at, or you can send me this information through the Contact form! By the way, the new Question Bank feature is also available on

Thanks to Kristin, Sharon and James for giving me the great idea! The feedback and suggestions I receive from the teachers and students who use really help me determine what new features should be added or improved, so please keep sending them in.

New Dashboard features!

In addition to Question Banks, I’ve also added several new features to the Dashboard that I hope will make it easier for you and your students to use:

See what students see with the new Student View!

A screenshot of the Dashboard showing the new Student View feature

You can now use the new Student View feature to see your students’ Dashboard, either by class or by an individual student. Just go to the Dashboard and click the “Student View” submenu near the top of the page and select the desired view in the filter menu. Thanks to Don, Andrea and Shelley for this suggestion!

Display student score percentages on Results and Grades pages

You can now display score percentages on the Results and Grades pages in the Dashboard. You can activate this temporarily by clicking the checkbox next to “Also display score percentage” at the top of either page, or you can turn it on all the time by going to the Settings page, clicking on the “Dashboard Settings” submenu, and then checking the box next to “Display Percentages” and saving the form:

A screenshot of the Dashboard showing the location of the Dashboard Settings submenu

Thanks to Ashley for requesting this new feature!

Change assignment sort order with drag & drop

To make manual assignment ordering a little easier, I added a new “Change Display Order” page under the Assignments page:

A screenshot of the Dashboard showing the location of the new Change Display Order feature

This will display a list of your assignments whose order you can modify by dragging & dropping the table rows. This uses a really cool JavaScript library called SortableJS that I also used for the manual question ordering in Question Banks.

Rich-text editing for student directions at the top of assignments

Finally, since I figured out how to add a rich-text editing box for the new Question Banks feature, I added the same box to the “Instructions for Students” form field when you create or edit an assignment:

A screenshot of the Dashboard showing the location of the new rich-text editing box

This will allow you to format your instructions at the top of each assignment exactly to your liking.

I hope these new features help make the Dashboard easier to use! If you have any ideas or suggestions for improvements or new features, or if you come across any bugs with the new features, please let me know!

New features, bug fixes & other improvements

In addition to the new features listed above, I also made the following enhancements, corrections and bug fixes across

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • enhancement: when an assignment is updated, whether or not students met the threshold is updated if necessary (thanks, Nicole!)
  • bug fix: couldn’t return to previously filtered Results or Grades after viewing detailed student results (thanks, Susan and Pamela!)


  • bug fix: teachers were not able to preview exams (thanks, Scott and Monique!)

Balancing, Identifying & Predicting Chemical Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: excluding multivalent metal ions from predicting questions wasn’t working properly (thanks, Shauna!)
  • bug fix: selecting the “A mix of both types” option would only display chemical names in continuous mode (thanks, Maggie!)

Bond Polarity & Electronegativity Quiz

  • bug fix: quiz was crashing when it accessed a specific compound by ID from the database (thanks, Jennifer!)

Electron Configurations Quiz

  • bug fix: a student was entering carats (^) in electron configurations that were being scored as incorrect (thanks, Matthew!)

Intermolecular Forces Quiz

  • added seven exemplar assignments

Lewis Dot Structures Quiz

  • correction: Lewis structure for SCl2 was incorrect (thanks, Matthew!)
  • correction: Lewis structure for SCl4 was incorrect (thanks, Alex!)

Molar Conversions Quiz

  • bug fix: selecting ionic compounds and liters would crash the quiz (thanks, Katie!)

Molecular Geometry & VSEPR Quiz

  • enhancement: option to select electron domains has been changed to 1-4, 5-6, and/or 7 (thanks, William and Helen!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • bug fix: excluded polyatomic ions were still being displayed (thanks, Andrea!)

SI Conversions & Dimensional Analysis Quiz

  • bug fix: non-numeric input would crash the quiz
  • bug fix: clicking the “Load more problems like this!” button would crash the quiz

Thermochemical Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: non-numeric input would crash the quiz

Thanks to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or reported a bug! Please fill out this short Contact form if you come across any problems on so I can fix it as soon as possible.

Site licenses for the Dashboard – special 6-month offer!

Thank you to everyone who has purchased or renewed their site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free.

Special offer for new customers: If you’ve thought about using the Dashboard with your students but you didn’t want to commit to a full year, you can now purchase a 6-month license for only US$35! This will give you a chance to experience the full array of features available with an active site license for the remainder of the school year (in the Northern Hemisphere). Please note: this offer is only available for a limited time to new customers, and must be purchased with a credit or debit card through the Square link above.

With an active site license, you can:

  • *NEW* create custom question banks
  • create assignments for your students using the quizzes on the site
  • select the options you want that best match your students’ needs (e.g. ionic compounds only)
  • allow your students to save their progress
  • build exams from multiple assignments
  • use the “tab switch detection” anti-cheating feature
  • review results with your students so they can correct misconceptions and grasp concepts more quickly
  • track your students’ progress and download results for data analysis

If you’d like to purchase a 12-month site license for just US$70, you can do so in any of the following ways:

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can also bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions at all about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also make it possible for me to make the Dashboard free for almost 200 U.S. public schools with a majority of students who are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school in the United States (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), just send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever –, too!

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on Facebook, Threads and BlueSky 🦋 and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

I’m really looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks of the new Question Banks feature! I’ve already started thinking about ways that I can use them in my own classes, so I can’t wait to see what the teachers in the community come up with.

I hope 2025 is a great year for you and your students! Thanks, as always, for your continued support, and please feel free to contact me any time using the Contact form or by email at if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns. Good luck with the next term, and stay strong!



December 2024 newsletter: new Intermolecular Forces Quiz, bug fixes, and more!

Hi there! For my fellow Americans, I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope everyone is well-rested and ready to finish out this last month of the year In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Intermolecular Forces Quiz!
  • Bug fixes and other improvements
  • is now on BlueSky!
  • Site licenses for the Dashboard

*NEW* Intermolecular Forces Quiz!

For the past 3+ years, I’ve received numerous requests to add an intermolecular forces quiz, so I finally sat down and wrote one! The new Intermolecular Forces Quiz is available immediately for practice, assignments or exams and features six different question types:

I’ve slowly been adding substances to the database – over 300 of them! – for the past several months along with the intermolecular forces they experience, their melting and boiling points, their polarizability values, and their dipole moments. This means you can choose questions that are introductory or much more advanced, such as these:

Please try out the new quiz and let me know what you think! I’m particularly interested in hearing if any of the questions that are generated are inaccurate or wrong in some way, since the whole point of is to generate accurate practice questions and problems.

Thanks so much to Anna, Sarah, Kathleen, Micah, Leslie, John and everyone else who contacted me with ideas and suggestions for this quiz!

Bug fixes & other improvements

Most of my time recently has been spent working on the new quiz, but I also fixed some bugs over the past month. Here’s the list of problems that have been fixed:

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • bug fix: teachers couldn’t see results when students completed an assignment created by a colleague who shares the same class (thanks, Chris!)

Balancing, Identifying & Predicting Chemical Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: updated a bad database query that was only loading single replacement reactions and locking up the quiz (thanks, Kyle!)
  • correction: removed single & double replacement reactions that don’t happen due to activity series (thanks, Katharine and Jessica!)

Bond Polarity & Electronegativity Quiz

  • enhancement: improved solution setups so that they’re more helpful to students
  • bug fix: quiz was not displaying the grade page due to an error in how the list of compounds was being handled as a result of the changes above (thanks, Jennifer!)
  • correction: ionic bonds should not have an arrow or use delta notation, so I changed which substances are selected for those questions (thanks, Andrew!)

Calorimetry Quiz

  • bug fix: some correct student answers weren’t being scored properly (thanks, Patrisha!)

Electron Configurations Quiz

  • bug fix: “Save your progress” button wasn’t working for configuration questions (thanks, Michael!)

Nuclear Reactions Quiz

  • bug fix: if word problems were selected, subsequent questions in continuous mode (after question #1) weren’t word problems (thanks, Monique!)

Thermochemical Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: some correct student answers weren’t being scored properly (thanks, Patrisha!)
  • bug fix: correct answers weren’t being displayed in limiting reagents problems if the answer to the previous problem was correct (thanks again, Patrisha!)

Other improvements

  • disabled a WordPress visitor statistics plugin that was significantly slowing down the site

Thanks again to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or reported a bug! I really appreciate the time and effort everyone puts into letting me know when something’s not working, and I do my best to fix every issue as quickly as I can. Please get in touch with me if you come across any problems on the site!

Site licenses for the Dashboard

Thank you to the 168 schools and tutors who have purchased or renewed their site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free.

With an active site license, you can:

  • create assignments for your students using the quizzes on the site
  • select the options you want that best match your students’ needs (e.g. ionic compounds only)
  • allow your students to save their progress
  • build exams from multiple assignments
  • use the “tab switch detection” anti-cheating feature
  • review results with your students so they can correct misconceptions and grasp concepts more quickly
  • track your students’ progress and download results for data analysis

If you’d like to purchase a yearly site license for just US$70, you can do so in any of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state!)
  • CashApp, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle at

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can also bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions at all about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also make it possible for me to make the Dashboard free for 183 public schools in the United States where the majority of students are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), just send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever –, too!

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on Facebook, Threads and now BlueSky 🦋 and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers! BTW if you liked the collaborative nature of “teacher Twitter” 10-15 years ago, you might really like BlueSky, so I recommend trying it out. X (formerly Twitter) randomly activated two-factor authentication on the business account without my authorization and their tech support was unhelpful, so I’m effectively locked out of it forever, unfortunately. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Thanks again to everyone for another great semester at! I really appreciate your continued support, and as always, please feel free to use the Contact form or email me at if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns. I wish you all the best of luck as you keep your classes focused through the holidays, and I’ll see you in 2025!



November 2024 newsletter: New Aufbau diagram questions, advanced features, and more!

Hello again, and welcome to November! In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Aufbau diagrams added to Electron Configurations Quiz!
  • *NEW* advanced options for nine quizzes!
  • More new features, bug fixes and other improvements
  • Site licenses for the Dashboard

*NEW* Aufbau diagrams!

I’m really excited to announce the latest addition to Aufbau diagrams in the Electron Configurations Quiz!

A screenshot from the Electron Configurations Quiz on shows the new Aufbau diagrams question option A screenshot from the Electron Configurations Quiz on shows an Aufbau diagram example question

Students can practice building Aufbau diagrams by clicking on the boxes to change them to one up arrow (↑), a pair of up and down arrows (⇅), or an empty box. For big elements with lots of electrons, students can use the “Check/uncheck all boxes” feature to make it easier to complete diagrams. You can also generate questions that only show the outer orbitals, which works better for multiple choice questions:

A screenshot from the Electron Configurations Quiz on shows an example of a multiple choice Aufbau diagram question

This is my first attempt at a completely graphic question style using JavaScript, so I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Try it out and let me know what you think! I’d also love to hear if you have any suggestions for other diagram-based questions that would be useful to you and your students.

New advanced options for nine quizzes!

I get lots of requests from Chemistry teachers who want more control over the questions generated by the assignments they create for their students, and as a classroom teacher who has always been very picky about the materials I use, I completely understand! Since I created, I’ve tried to balance giving users more options with keeping the quizzes easy to use by students.

To try to resolve this issue, I’ve created a number of “advanced options” that give teachers more control over their assignments. These options appear in the Dashboard when you create an assignment, but are also accessible to teachers on the main page of each quiz, as long as they’re logged in. Here are some of the new advanced options that are available to use immediately:

Remember, these advanced features are currently only available to teachers with an active site license for the Dashboard. You can find out how to purchase a site license here, or you can sign up for a free 30-day demo by filling out this short form!

I hope these new features help you generate the kinds of questions you want for your students! If you have a suggestion for improving any of the quizzes on, please send it to me, because I’m always interested in hearing what my fellow Chemistry teachers have to say.

More new features, bug fixes & other improvements

In addition to the new advanced features listed above, I’ve also made the following updates to the site:

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • bug fix: colleagues at the same school couldn’t see assignment previews (thanks, Ashley!)

All Quizzes

  • new feature: students can no longer paste into answer boxes on quizzes

Average Atomic Masses Quiz

  • correction: improved quality of fake atomic masses to make them more realistic (thanks, Matthew!)

Bond Polarity & Electronegativity Quiz

  • correction: electronegativity value for Pb was incorrect (thanks, Lan!)

Density Calculations Quiz

  • bug fix: answers were calculated using density values directly from the database instead of rounded values given in the problem (thanks, Elaine!)
  • bug fix: density problems solving for mass or volume using kg/m3 and g/L were off by a factor of 1000 (thanks, Scott!)

Electron Configurations Quiz

  • bug fix: “Load More Problems Like This” button caused quiz to crash due to referencing an empty array key
  • bug fix: selecting multiple choice option could crash the quiz if elements 102-104 were randomly selected for problems
  • correction: updated electron configuration of nickel to reflect research literature (now [Ar] 3d9 4s1)

Elements & Isotopes Quiz

  • new feature: added questions to determine subatomic particles of ions (thanks, Michael, Shauna & Jillian!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • bug fix: some excluded ions were still showing up in questions (thanks, Pamela!)
  • correction: added “hydrogen phosphate ion” and “hydrogen phosphite ion” as alternate names in the database for their respective ions (thanks, Scott!)
  • correction: gallium is multivalent but didn’t have parentheses in its name (thanks again, Scott!)

Nuclear Reactions Quiz

  • bug fix: student progress on multiple choice questions was not being saved (thanks, E!)
  • correction: two beryllium beta decays were incorrectly producing beryllium daughter isotopes instead of boron (thanks, Matthew!)

Periodic Trends Quiz

  • bug fix: new “simplify trends” option prevented displaying results because of missing array values (thanks, Andrew and Kasey!)

SI Conversions Quiz

  • bug fix: Liter-to-gallon conversions weren’t calculating the correct answer (thanks, Scott!)

Significant Figures Quiz

  • bug fix: answers for rounding problems that were less than 1 that were entered without a leading zero (e.g., .01) were being scored as incorrect (thanks, Scott!)

Types of Matter Quiz

  • correction: changed justification question to “Best justification?” so that it’s clearer for students (thanks, Patrisha!)

Thanks again to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or reported a bug! Please let me know if you encounter any problems while using the site, because I want the site to be as bug-free as possible so that it works properly for everyone.

Site licenses for the Dashboard

Thank you to the 153 schools and tutors who have purchased or renewed their site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free. They also make it possible for me to spend time adding new features to the quizzes and the Dashboard.

With an active site license, you can:

  • create assignments for your students using the quizzes on the site
  • select the options you want that best match your students’ needs (e.g. ionic compounds only)
  • use the “tab switch detection” anti-cheating feature
  • review results with your students so they can correct misconceptions and grasp concepts more quickly
  • track your students’ progress and download results for data analysis

If you’d like to purchase a yearly site license for just US$70, you can do so in any of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state)
  • personal check
  • CashApp, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle at

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also make it possible for me to make the Dashboard free for 178 public schools in the United States where the majority of students are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), please send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever (, too!).

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on Facebook and Threads and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

With Halloween, daylight saving time, and Election Day all within a week of each other, this can be a really challenging time to be in school! I hope you’re in a position where you can block out the noise and focus on the joy of sharing science with your students, although that’s easier for some than it is for others. Our society needs scientists and scientifically literate citizens, so what you’re doing matters – a lot!

Thanks again to everyone for all of your support, suggestions and feedback! Please use the Contact form or email me at if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, and to those of you in the United States, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!



October 2024 newsletter: New dimensional analysis problems, other new features, and more!

Hi, everybody, I hope you’re doing well! In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* dimensional analysis problems added to SI Conversions Quiz!
  • *NEW* ease-of-use features for the Dashboard!
  • More new features, bug fixes and other improvements
  • Site licenses for the 2024-2025 school year
  • Request for donations to Asheville and Western North Carolina

*NEW* Dimensional analysis problems!

I’ve had a number of teachers ask me to add dimensional analysis and unit conversion problems to, so that’s what I did! The rebranded SI Conversions & Dimensional Analysis Quiz has the following new problem types:

Screenshot showing new dimensional analysis problems on the SI Conversions & Dimensional Analysis Quiz

I know a lot of teachers have already covered dimensional analysis at this point of the year in their Chemistry classes, but I figured the new problem types could be used for review before an exam, and temperature and pressure conversions are necessary throughout the school year. Let me know if there are any additional conversions you’d like to see added to this quiz, and I’ll see what I can do!

New ease-of-use features!

Over the past month, I’ve tried to focus mainly on making ease-of-use improvements for the as well as adding features to several quizzes so that they work better for teachers and their students. I wanted to highlight some new features that I hope you’ll like!

New option to auto-archive student results

Last month, I added a “Dashboard Settings” page that lets teachers set their own preferences for how to change how assignments are sorted for their students. This month, I added an “auto-archive” feature to help teachers keep their student results better organized! To activate it in the Dashboard, go to Settings > Dashboard Settings, then check the box next to “Automatically archive student results two weeks after submission”:

Screenshot showing new "Auto archive results" option on the Dashboard

If you select this option, every day at 5am Eastern Time, any student results that are at least 2 weeks old will be archived (but not deleted). This should help keep your Results page from getting out of control!

New filter menus on the Grades page

I also added filter menus to the Grades page that work just like the menus on the Results page:

Screenshot showing new filter menus on the Grades page of the Dashboard

Assignment link after creation or updating

One last new feature that I added should make it a little easier to share your assignments with your students. Immediately after you create or update an assignment, the share link appears at the top of the page:

Screenshot showing the  new share link feature for assignments

I hope these new features make the Dashboard easier to use and save you some time!

More new features, bug fixes & other improvements

As always, thanks to everyone who has submitted a suggestion or bug report for the site! Here are all of the updates I’ve made since the last newsletter:

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • new feature: option to auto-archive old results after two weeks
  • new feature: link to share an assignment appears at top of page immediately after creating or updating that assignment
  • enhancement: option to export all students, even if they don’t have any results (thanks, Zack!)
  • enhancement: option to sort exported results by class and then by student name (thanks, Jason and Anna!)
  • enhancement: add filter menus and page number links to the Grades page
  • enhancement: added yellow highlight on Grades page for results that were submitted late (thanks, Elizabeth!)
  • bug fix: couldn’t delete exam sections (thanks, Kenneth!)
  • bug fix: couldn’t modify a student account if the same username was already in the users table, even if it was inactive or deleted (thanks, Lance!)
  • bug fix: student Dashboard was trying to show resources for each exam section even if a section had no resources
  • bug fix: an extra “Add another section” button was showing up when editing an exam
  • bug fix: sort assignment tags alphabetically on Assignments page

All Quizzes

  • new feature: can now show instructions above every question in Continuous mode (thanks, Maggie!)
  • bug fix: quiz completion time would sometimes save without taking the student’s time zone into account, which would cause the time to be off by several hours (thanks, Racquel and Susan!)
  • bug fix: time zone diagnostic information was showing at the bottom of quizzes for students completing assignments

Elements & Isotopes Quiz

  • bug fix: un-initialized array was crashing the quiz when multiple choice options were generated (thanks, Lance!)
  • bug fix: number of neutrons in U-236 was incorrect (thanks, Susan!)

Lewis Dot Structures Quiz

  • bug fix: quiz would lose track of selected problem type(s) at the beginning when choosing Continuous mode (thanks, Pamela!)

Light & Energy Quiz

  • new feature: advanced option* to restrict wavelengths to meters only (thanks, Helen!)

Molecular Geometry & VSEPR Quiz

  • enhancement: added “(has dipole moment)” and “(no dipole moment)” to multiple choice options for polarity (thanks, Susan!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • new feature: advanced option* to exclude beryllium and carbide ions (thanks, Katharine!)

Percent Error & Percent Yield Quiz

  • new feature: advanced option* to pick wanted quantities for problems (thanks, Rhonda and Caytee!)

Scientific Measurements Quiz

  • new feature: option to generate grayscale diagrams for printing
  • bug fix: problem types were being overwritten in Continuous mode

Scientific Notation Quiz

  • new feature: advanced option* to generate problems with only positive or negative exponents

SI Conversions Quiz

  • new feature: add dimensional analysis and other conversion problems to the SI Conversions Quiz & renamed it to the SI Conversions & Dimensional Analysis Quiz (thanks, Shauna, Andrew, Matt, Patrisha, and Zack!)
  • new feature: add moles and candelas to SI Conversions Quiz (thanks, Joel!)
  • bug fix: options for features that weren’t published yet were being used for assignments (thanks, Zack, Scott and Lauren!)
  • bug fix: quiz was showing the wrong answer for SI conversions if previous answer was dimensional analysis (thanks, Lenora!)
  • bug fix: inch-centimeter conversion was flipped (thanks again, Lenora!)

Significant Figures Quiz

  • bug fix: answers in scientific notation weren’t being graded correctly (thanks, Rhonda!)
  • bug fix: numbers in scientific notation were not being rounded with the correct number of sig figs (thanks, Avyukth and Rhonda!)
  • bug fix: guesses for some division problems weren’t being graded correctly (thanks, Zack!)

Stoichiometry & Limiting Reagents Quiz

  • enhancement: exclude reactions with Fe3O4 (thanks, Mary Ann!)

* advanced options are only available to teachers with an active site license for the Dashboard

Thanks again to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or bug report! I try to fix bugs as quickly as possible, and I want to make the site as useful and easy to use as possible, so please let me know if you have a suggestion or bug report!

Site licenses for the 2024-2025 school year

Thank you to everyone who has purchased or renewed their school’s site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free. In the month of September, had over 2 million visits and exceeded 100,000 unique visitors in a single day several times, so your support has helped the site keep running while its popularity continues to grow!

If you would like to purchase a site license for the 2024-2025 school year for just US$70, you can do so right now in one of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state)
  • personal check
  • CashApp, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle at

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also help me offer the Dashboard for free to 170 public schools in the United States where the majority of students are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), please send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever (, too!).

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on Facebook and Threads and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

Hurricane Helene caused tremendous devastation to communities across the southeastern US, including Western North Carolina. My sister lives just outside Asheville, NC, and my niece and nephew both live in town, and fortunately, they’re all alive and uninjured. The pictures they’ve been sending to our family group chat of the damage caused by the historical flooding have been absolutely heartbreaking, and residents of the city probably won’t have running water for another 2-3 months.

Two local charities that my sister asked me to share are BeLoved Asheville and MANNA FoodBank, and 100% of donations go to help the people of Asheville and Western North Carolina. I’ve donated to both, so if you’re in a financial situation where you feel you’re able to donate, I’m sure these non-profit organizations and the people they serve would very much appreciate it.

I hope your school year is going well so far! Thanks again to everyone for all of your support, suggestions and feedback – I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. Please use the Contact form or email me at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care!



September 2024 newsletter: New sig fig rounding problems, Dashboard improvements, and more!

Hello again! I hope the school year has started smoothly for you and you have classes filled with students who are eager to learn Chemistry 😆. In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Significant Figures Quiz problem type – rounding!
  • *NEW* Dashboard features and improvements
  • Quick tips on sharing classes with colleagues and differentiation
  • Site licenses for the 2024-2025 school year
  • Bug fixes and other improvements

*NEW* Sig fig rounding problems!

One of the very first quizzes I created for was the Significant Figures Quiz, and it’s been popular from the very beginning. I’ve found that even my strongest students can struggle with trying to keep track of which digits matter in a number and why. To make this a little easier on everyone, I’ve added a new problem type – rounding!

screenshot of new "rounding" option in the Significant Figures Quiz

In Chemistry, the reason we need to be able to count how many sig figs a number has is so that we can round a value properly after performing calculations, so my hope is that this problem type will help students learn how to do that. Here’s an example of some of the problems the quiz can generate:

screenshot of a sample of rounding problems generated by the Significant Figures QuizIn the Dashboard, when you create an assignment using this quiz, you can choose whether or not you want it to generate problems using decimal and/or scientific notation. Personally, I like splitting those out into two separate mini-assignments for my students so that they can get the hang of it with decimal notation before I give them scientific notation (which is, in my opinion, easier).

I also added problem explanations for rounding by sig figs:

screenshot of a solution for a rounding problem on the Significant Figures Quiz

Try out the new rounding problems on the Significant Figures Quiz and let me know what you and your students think!

*NEW* Dashboard features!

I’ve also added some new features to the Dashboard based on teacher feedback so that it’s easier to use for everyone.

New “Settings” menu

First, for better organization, I created a new “Settings” menu and moved “User Settings”, “Dashboard Settings”, and “School Info” under there:

screenshot of the new "Settings" menu in the Dashboard

New assignment order option

Also, teachers can now change the order in which their assignments appear on their students’ Dashboard! To change the order, go to Settings > Dashboard Settings:

screenshot of the new option to change the order of assignments on the student Dashboard

You can change the display order directly on the Assignments page by selecting “Update order of assignment(s)” in the bulk actions menu and then using the dropdown menus in each row:

screenshot of the Assignments page on the Dashboard showing the dropdown menus to change assignment order

You can also change the assignment order when you’re creating or editing an assignment. I know that a lot of science teachers are highly organized and pay close attention to detail, so I apologize for not adding this feature four years ago when I first created! Please note that this currently only changes the order in which assignments appear on your students’ Dashboard, not teachers (this feature is coming soon). Thanks to Don for this suggestion!

Display score percentage

You can now see score percentages on both the Results and Grades pages by hovering over a student score:

a screenshot showing how to display the score percentage on a student score

Thanks to Jana for the great suggestion!

“Helpful resource” links to free online textbook

When I created independent student accounts, I looked for a free, well-made online textbook that students could use to learn or review a topic before taking a practice quiz. After looking at numerous options, I felt that the LibreTexts textmap for “Chemistry: The Central Science” by Brown et al. was the most robust and complete, so I included links to specific chapters for each assignment that I’d created for those students.

To make everyone’s lives easier, I’ve now added a new feature for teachers to add these links to the top of assignments! Simply create a new assignment or edit one you’ve already made, and after you’ve selected the quiz-specific features, you’ll see an option like this:

a screenshot showing the new "Helpful resources" option for assignments in the Dashboard

In this example, these chapters are for the Balancing, Identifying & Predicting Chemical Equations Quiz. You can preview the chapters when you create or edit an assignment, or you can see all of the chapters for each quiz on the Quizzes page (you have to be logged in to your Dashboard account in order to see them). I know a lot of schools don’t hand out textbooks any more, and I’ve found that some online textbooks are nearly impossible to use, so I hope this resource helps!

Export results as “grid”

I also added the ability to export your score results as a CSV file in a “grid” format (like how they’re displayed on the Grades page):

a screenshot showing the new "export student results as grid" option in the Dashboard

This would be most useful for those of you who store your grades in a spreadsheet such as Excel or Google Sheets, or want more control over how they’re imported into your existing LMS. Thanks to Jason for this suggestion! Please note that the grid format will only export the highest score that a student earns for each assignment. (A number of you have reached out asking for automatic synchronization of results between the Dashboard and popular LMS’s such as Canvas and Google Classroom, so please know that I plan on adding that feature and I appreciate your patience while I figure that out.)

If you don’t have a site license for the Dashboard but you want to try out these new features, please fill out this short Teacher Interest form for a free 30-day demo!

Finally, all of these new features are also available on, so if you also teach Physics or have a colleague who might be interested in trying it out, please fill out the Teacher Interest form for a free demo!

Quick tips: sharing classes & differentiation

I have two quick tips to make your lives easier! First, if you teach Chemistry with one or more colleagues and you want to synchronize your assignments, you can easily share your classes with them. Simply create a new class or edit an existing one, and then check the boxes next to each colleague’s name at the bottom of the page:

a screenshot showing how to share a class with colleagues in the Dashboard

Then, when your colleague creates an assignment, they can also assign it to your class, and you’ll be able to see student results and grades from those assignments just like you normally do. If you have several teachers at one school who want to synchronize like this, I recommend designating one person as the “lead” teacher, and then everyone else shares their classes with that lead teacher. The lead teacher can then create the assignments for everyone’s classes all at once, which I hope will save everyone lots of time!

Another quick tip is about differentiation, which is an easy term for administrators to toss around but can be a challenge for teachers to implement successfully. I taught Environmental Science and APES in a differentiated classroom for years, so I know this firsthand!

Students can be in more than one class in the Dashboard, so you can differentiate for them by placing them in an additional “class” and then creating assignments that best match their abilities. For example, two years ago I had a few students who completed assignments on very quickly, so I created an additional class just for them so I could assign them additional, more challenging assignments. Students can’t see what classes they’re in, only the assignments that are currently active for them and their past results.

You can create a special class by clicking on the Classes menu, clicking the pink “Create a Class” button, and then completing the form like you would for any other class:

a screenshot showing how to add students to additional "classes" for differentiation

Note that some of the students listed are already in another class, but adding them to this class won’t remove them from any other classes. This can also make it easier to differentiate for students who have IEPs or 504 Plans and receive accommodations or modifications, especially if you need to collect data showing how you’re supporting those plans.

Site licenses for the 2024-2025 school year

Thank you to everyone who has purchased or renewed their school’s site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free. This past month, the site had over 1 million visits, and last week it exceeded 90,000 visits per day, so its popularity just continues to grow thanks to your support!

If you would like to purchase a site license for the 2024-2025 school year for just US$70, you can do so right now in one of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state)
  • personal check
  • CashApp, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle at

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also help me offer the Dashboard for free to 160 public schools in the United States where the majority of students are economically disadvantaged. If you teach in a high poverty public school (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), please send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever (, too!).

Bug fixes & other improvements

Thanks again to everyone who has reached out with a bug report! Here are all of the updates I’ve made over the past month:

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • new feature: can now manually order assignments for student Dashboard (thanks, Don!)
  • new feature: export results in a grid format similar to the Grades page (thanks, Jason!)
  • new feature: option to add links to helpful resources at LibreTexts to the top of assignments
  • improvement: can now see score percentage on Results and Grades pages by hovering over a score (thanks, Jana!)
  • improvement: created new “Settings” menu and added “User Settings”, “Dashboard Settings” and “School Info” submenus
  • bug fix: students with deactivated accounts from last school year could not use a join code to re-register for a new class (thanks, Chris!)
  • bug fix: couldn’t change an existing assignment to Continuous mode if it already had a certain number of items (thanks, Pamela!)
  • bug fix: the number of questions on an assignment would reset to 10 if there was an error on the assignment creation form (thanks again, Pamela!)
  • bug fix: adding filter menus broke the bulk actions menu on the Assignments page
  • bug fix: not selecting “export highest score” would generate an error message at the top of the csv file
  • bug fix: students without first or last names would cause errors when exporting results as a csv


  • bug fix: tab switches were not being recorded correctly for exams (thanks, Darlene!)

All Quizzes

  • bug fix: sig figs in negative numbers were not being counted incorrectly (thanks, Lance!)

Electron Configuration Quiz

  • correction: electron configuration for palladium(II) ion (Pd^2+) was being displayed for lead(II) ion (Pb^2+) symbol (thanks, Susan!)

Scientific Notation Quiz

  • new feature: added explanations (solutions) for all problems

SI Conversions Quiz

  • improvement: better number formatting

Significant Figures Quiz

  • new feature: added problems to round numbers to a certain number of sig figs
  • new feature: added option to choose thousands separator for numbers (commas, spaces or none)
  • bug fix: student answers entered as words instead of numbers (e.g., entering “two” instead of “2”) were crashing the quiz (thanks, Lan!)

Other improvements

Thanks again to everyone who has sent in a suggestion or bug report, and please keep sending them in! I do my best to fix bugs as quickly as possible, and I want to keep adding new features (to the best of my coding ability) to make the site more useful and easier to use for everyone.

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on Facebook and Threads and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

For those of you in the United States, I hope the school year has started well for you and that you were able to enjoy this three-day weekend. After all, we have weekends in part because of massive strikes by labor unions in the late 1800s and early 1900s, so I hope that’s something we can all appreciate on this Labor Day.

Thanks again to everyone for all of your support, suggestions and feedback as we start up‘s fifth school year! Please get in touch with me any time via the Contact form or email me at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, stay safe, and make sure you get your updated covid and flu shots so you can stay healthy this school year!



August 2024 newsletter: new Continuous mode, dark mode, tags, and lots more!

Hi everybody! I hope you’ve all been doing well over the past three months. In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Continuous questions mode for all quizzes!
  • Lots of other *NEW* features – dark mode, assignment tags, sig fig explanations
  • Site licenses for 2024-2025 school year
  • Bug fixes and other improvements

There’s a lot to cover and I know many of you are already starting a new school year, so I’ll get right to it!

*NEW* Continuous questions mode!

I’ve added a new “Continuous” mode that will generate unlimited questions for your students, one at a time, and provide immediate feedback after each question. The Dashboard will keep track of their total score and append each question and response to their results so you can review them. Here’s an example from the Significant Figures Quiz that also demonstrates the new “Dark mode” feature:
A screenshot of the Significant Figures Quiz demonstrating the new Continuous mode and dark mode features
One benefit of Continuous mode is that you can set a threshold on the assignment so that students will still have to answer enough questions correctly in order to complete the assignment but they get as many tries as they need in order to do it. I’m hoping that this decreases student anxiety and gives them more encouragement to try without worrying about getting questions wrong (shout-out to my fellow Phil Schlechty fans – you know who you are!) I plan on using this new feature in my own classes this upcoming school year for in-class practice and formative assessment.

Continuous mode can be activated on any assignment by selecting it under “Number of items” when you create or edit an assignment in the Dashboard:

A screenshot of the Dashboard showing how to activate Continuous mode when creating or editing an assignment

It’s also available on all quizzes on! I’ve activated Continuous mode on the Significant Figures Quiz for everyone who wants to try it out. Please note that Continuous mode disables a few assignment features such as limiting attempts and saving progress (since it already saves each question), and it’s not available for exams. Let me know what you think of the new feature, and thanks to Jason, Don and Malcolm for the suggestions and inspiration!

Lots of other *NEW* features!

I’ve also added a number of other new features to that I hope you and your students will like! Here’s a quick rundown:

  • dark mode† available on all quizzes and the Dashboard (see above)
  • explanations for sig fig problems† (also see above)
  • assignment tags*† for better organization (see below)

Screenshot from the Dashboard shows the new tags features for organizing assignments

A screenshot from the shows the tags filter on the Assignments page

  • view saved student progress*† on an assignment in the Dashboard before it’s submitted (see below)

A screenshot from the Laboratory Equipment Quiz shows saved student progress in the Dashboard

A screenshot of the new layout for the Types of Matter Quiz on

FYI new features that are marked with an asterisk (*) are only available to schools with an active Dashboard site license; new features that are marked with a dagger (†) are also available on

Site licenses for the 2024-2025 school year

Speaking of site licenses – thank you to everyone who has purchased or renewed their school’s site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses help me pay for the web hosting and software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free. This past school year, averaged about 1 million visits per month, and 18,396 students from 210 schools in six countries completed 372,177 assignments on the Dashboard. The site’s popularity has grown beyond my wildest expectations!

If you would like to purchase a site license for the 2024-2025 school year for just US$70, you can do so right now in one of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state, and I’m now an officially registered business in New Jersey, too! 😂)
  • personal check
  • CashApp, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle at

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If your school offers physics, you can bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also help me offer the Dashboard for free to 150 public schools in the United States with high rates of poverty. If you teach in a high poverty public school or school district (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), please send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever (, too!).

Bug fixes & other improvements

Besides Continuous mode, the biggest update this summer was invisible, because I spent a LOT of time preparing the site for a major upgrade of PHP, the web server software that powers everything on! This should make the website run faster and more securely. Unfortunately, the upgrade broke some quizzes and a few Dashboard features when I performed the upgrade in early July, but I’ve tracked down a lot of them thanks to teachers who were using the site over the summer and reached out when something wasn’t working properly.

Here are all of the updates I’ve made since the last newsletter I sent back in May:


  • new feature: “Dark mode” (thanks to my son for the suggestion!)

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • new feature: added class and tag filter menus to improve assignment organization (thanks, Matthew!)
  • improvement: can now view student progress on an assignment even though it hasn’t been turned in yet (thanks, Vilma & Danielle!)
  • bug fix: teachers could create student accounts that weren’t email addresses through CSV roster import (thanks, Stephanie!)
  • bug fix: CSV results export wasn’t working after PHP upgrade (thanks, Corey!)
  • bug fix: displaying student deletion confirmation form would cause Dashboard to crash due to incorrectly formatted count() function (thanks, Jason!)
  • bug fix: “Time to Complete” in student result details was off by 5 hours (thanks, Nick!)
  • bug fix: most recent results were not showing up due to a miscalculation in the number of Results pages
  • bug fix: student usernames would not show up across the Dashboard if student did not have a first & last name saved in the Dashboard

All Quizzes

  • improvement: Presentation mode is now available to everyone on all quizzes
  • improvement: custom assignment names are now displayed in web browser tab title
  • bug fix: decimal values with multiple zeros after the decimal point sometimes had the distance from the decimal calculated incorrectly

Acid-Base Neutralization Quiz

  • bug fix: disabled multiprotic weak acids in weak acid-strong base problems (thanks, Scott!)

Average Atomic Mass Quiz

  • bug fix: multiple choice distractors were not very random

Concentrations & Colligative Properties of Solutions Quiz

  • bug fix: van ‘t Hoff factor was being excluded from vapor pressure lowering problems (thanks, Mary Ann!)
  • bug fix: weak acids were being included in problems where the number of ions produced in solution mattered (thanks again, Mary Ann!)
  • bug fix: correct answers weren’t being rounded correctly, which sometimes affected scoring (thanks, Michele!)
  • bug fix: blank word problems were being generated for some freezing point depression problems (thanks, Andrew!)
  • bug fix: dilution problems were sometimes being generated with moles as the solution unit (thanks, John!)

Electron Configuration Quiz

  • bug fix: short incorrect answers (less than three characters) would crash the quiz

Enthalpy Quiz

  • bug fix: monohydrate compounds were crashing the quiz when they were randomly selected for a problem

Kinetics & Rate Laws Quiz

  • bug fix: half-life calculations were using the double precision value randomly generated by the quiz for At instead of the value displayed in the problem that was rounded to 3 sig figs, leading to mathematically valid answers being scored as incorrect (thanks, Mary Ann!)

Laboratory Equipment Quiz

  • improvement: added an advanced option in the Dashboard to include specific categories of equipment and exclude specific pieces of equipment (thanks, Tonda!)

Molar Conversions Quiz

  • bug fix: attempting to load saved student progress crashed the quiz in certain situations if gases were involved (thanks, Matthew!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • improvement: column widths on the quiz page were behaving strangely

Nuclear Reactions Quiz

  • bug fix: test code was being displayed when it should have been removed (thanks, Matthew!)
  • bug fix: blank answers were being graded using the last values entered by the student instead of being automatically marked wrong

pH & pOH Calculations Quiz

  • bug fix: scientific notation formatting for student answers on the results page was not consistent with what they entered

Significant Figures Quiz

  • new feature: added explanations (solutions) for counting and arithmetic problems
  • improvement: added parentheses around scientific notation values in math problems (thanks, Tony!)

Stoichiometry & Limiting Reagents Quiz

  • bug fix: percent yield problems were crashing the quiz due to backward compatibility code that needed to be updated (thanks, Debbie!)

Types of Matter Quiz

  • improvement: changed how justification questions are displayed so that the quiz is compatible with the new Continuous mode

Other improvements

  • improvement: updated PHP to latest version
  • bug fixes: many code updates and improvements necessitated by server software upgrade this summer
  • maintenance: archived all assignments, classes, student accounts and results from the 2023-2024 school year

Thanks to everyone who sent in a suggestion or bug report, and please keep submitting your suggestions and bug reports! With the server upgrade and the new features I’ve added, there are bound to be things that don’t work as properly as they should. The sooner I find out about a bug, the sooner I can fix it!

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Threads and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

I wanted to thank everyone who completed the end-of-year survey this past Spring! The teachers in the survey gave me a lot of useful feedback on the site, and their suggestions have helped me prioritize what improvements I should focus on for this upcoming school year. On a related note, I was selected as an AP scorer, so I spent a week in June scoring hundreds of AP Computer Science A FRQs, and that mind-numbing experience of trying to interpret handwritten code for eight hours a day honestly helped me a lot with my own coding skills. I’m really excited about all the possibilities for this school year!

RHS EnviroQueens at 2024 Ohio Envirothon Competition

In the May newsletter, I wrote about how I was going to take our school’s Environmental Club to the Ohio Envirothon Competition. The “EnviroQueens” ended up earning 3rd place in Oral Presentation and 6th place overall out of 20 teams from across the state! Most importantly, we all had a great time – even the student who got a very, very flat tire on the way down to Nelsonville. It was a wonderful way for these awesome seniors to cap off their high school careers, and I’m going to miss them all as they go off to college in the Fall! 😭

Thanks for letting me brag about my students, and thanks again to everyone for all of your support, suggestions and feedback over the past four years! You’ve all been very kind to me. Please reach out any time via the Contact form or at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, stay safe, and good luck with this school year!



May 2024 newsletter: Solubility rules, site license renewals, end-of-year survey, and more!

Hello again! For everyone who’s almost done with this school year, I hope that it’s wrapping up well for you and your students. In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Solubility rules questions!
  • End of the school year survey – win a $50 gift card!
  • Site license renewals for 2024-2025 school year
  • IMPORTANT annual site maintenance starting July 1st
  • Bug fixes and other improvements

*NEW* Solubility rules questions!

The primary goal I had when I created back in 2020 was to provide a useful and accurate resource for Chemistry teachers and students. As the site has grown and become more popular, I’ve tried to fill in some of the gaps that exist in the quiz topics, which can sometimes be a real challenge, depending on the topic.

I just added a topic that was long overdue – solubility rules! In the Solubility Quiz, you can now have students predict whether an ionic compound will be soluble, slightly soluble, or insoluble in water under standard conditions. Just select the new option, “Determine solubility of a compound in water” when generating a quiz or creating an assignment:

Screenshot of options for Solubility Quiz

This option will generate multiple choice questions like this:

example questions from the Solubility Quiz

The Solubility Quiz pulls from 400 different ionic compounds in the database to generate these problems, so there should be plenty of practice for your students. Thanks to Seth, Auburn and Andrew for suggesting this feature!

One of the more frustrating things about creating quizzes that generate random questions about chemistry is that there’s often disagreement between different resources. With respect to solubility, I’ve found that some lists say that lead(II) halides are insoluble, while others say that they’re slightly soluble. I tend to go with the values on Wikipedia since I know there are lots of amazing chemistry nerds out there who make sure those pages are as accurate as possible, but I thought this would be a great opportunity to try out a poll! What do you think – are lead(II) halides (e.g. PbF2, PbCl2, etc.) insoluble or slightly soluble?

(PLEASE NOTE: The poll is only available on the email version of the newsletter.)

Let me know what you think! I want the site to be as useful as possible to you and your students, so I appreciate your feedback.

Complete a survey, enter to win a $50 gift card!

For the past three years, I’ve asked every teacher that uses or has signed up for the Dashboard to complete a short survey about how they use the site and what new features they want me to work on. The feedback has been really helpful!

Every teacher who fills out the survey will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Amazon gift card! Only one entry per person, please. The drawing will be on June 15th, so don’t delay! You can fill out the survey here.

Most site license renewals due July 1st

Thank you to everyone who has already renewed their school’s site license for the Dashboard for the 2024-2025 school year! Site licenses are how I pay for the web hosting and the software I use to write the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free. I’ve sent out invoices for next school year to everyone with a current site license, but if you didn’t receive one, please let me know.

You can check your school’s site license status by going to the Dashboard and clicking on “School Info” in the top menu.

Once your site license for the Dashboard expires, you won’t be able to create new student accounts, classes or assignments. If you plan on renewing for next school year but you need a little extra time for the paperwork to go through, just drop me a line and I’ll extend your school’s expiration date. I’ve taught in three public school districts over my career and each handled purchase orders differently, so I understand how complicated the process can be.

If you currently have a demo account and would like to purchase a site license for the 2024-2025 school year for just US$70, you can do so right now in one of the following ways:

  • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
  • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state)
  • personal check
  • CashApp, PayPal, Venmo or Zelle at

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If you also teach physics or you have a colleague who does, you can bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions about how to purchase a site license.

Site licenses also help me offer the Dashboard for free to 143 public schools in the U.S. with high rates of poverty. If you teach in a high poverty public school or school district (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), please send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever.

Important annual site maintenance

Over the past four years, has added more schools with more students who generate more quiz results, so every summer I have to archive older material to keep the site running efficiently. For example, there are currently over 355,000 quiz results from this school year in the database so far, which is a 152% increase over last school year’s total! 😱

I’m going to be performing the following maintenance items over the summer, starting on or shortly after July 1st:

  • All students accounts, assignments, quiz results, and classes created during the 2023-2024 school year (7/1/23 – 6/30/24) will be archived (but not deleted)
  • All student accounts created during the 2022-2023 school year will be deleted

Items that are archived will still be accessible to you through the Dashboard. If you don’t want me to archive your stuff, or if you operate on a different school calendar, please let me know before July 1st! Also, I perform regular backups of all data on the site, so I can always restore anything you might need.

Bug fixes & other improvements

Thanks to all of the teachers and students who send in bug reports and suggestions for improving! Here are all of the updates I’ve made since the last newsletter:

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • improvement: added link to renew site license on “Your School” page
  • improvement: added an alert about “require login” and “save progress” options (thanks, Nate!)
  • improvement: changed Dashboard page titles in web browsers for more accurate bookmarking
  • bug fix: trying to create an exam led to a “Column ‘quizID’ cannot be null” error (thanks, John, Matthew and Nick!)
  • bug fix: using the bulk actions menu without selecting assignments first gave a MySQL error (thanks, Yvonne!)

Balancing, Identifying & Predicting Chemical Equations Quiz

  • correction: FeCl2 + O2 -> Fe2O3 + Cl2 was balanced incorrectly (thanks, David!)

Chemical Equilibrium Quiz

  • bug fix: removed several divide by zero errors that were causing the quiz to crash in PHP8

Chemical Thermodynamics Quiz(thanks to Mary Ann for all of these!)

  • bug fix: ∆S word problems involving grams were using moles value instead of mass value
  • bug fix: ∆S problems were mixing up ∆H with q
  • bug fix: ∆S problems had incorrect units in some solution setups

Concentrations & Colligative Properties of Solutions Quiz

  • bug fix: units were missing in dilution problems (thanks, Maggie!)
  • bug fix: given values were being rounded too much in certain situations (thanks again, Maggie!)
  • bug fix: correct answers weren’t being rounded correctly, which sometimes affected scoring (thanks, Michele!)
  • bug fix: blank word problems were being generated for some freezing point depression problems (thanks, Andrew!)
  • bug fix: dilution problems were sometimes being generated with moles as the solution unit (thanks, John!)

Enthalpy Quiz

  • bug fix: formulas for hydrates were showing up with incorrect formatting

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • improvement: added 105 new compounds (beryllium, caesium, cadmium, gallium, gold(III), nickel(II), rubidium, vanadium(III), thiocyanate) to the database
  • bug fix: blank multiple choice options were sometimes being generated

Nuclear Reactions Quiz

  • bug fix: reactions with double beta decay mode would cause the quiz to crash when generating multiple choice options

Organic Nomenclature Quiz

  • bug fix: carboxylic acids weren’t being displayed in quiz when they were the only compound class selected (thanks, Matthew!)
  • bug fix: carboxylic acids weren’t being scored correctly (thanks again, Matthew!)

pH & pOH Calculations Quiz

  • bug fix: small numbers (e.g., 1e-14) were not being formatted properly for scientific notation (thanks, Tony!)

Redox Reactions & Net Ionic Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: coefficient for hydrogen ions in redox reaction between iodate ion and hydrogen sulfite ion was incorrect (thanks, Lan!)

Solubility Quiz

  • new feature: classify ionic salts as soluble or insoluble in water using solubility rules (thanks Seth, Auburn and Andrew!)

Stoichiometry & Limiting Reagents Quiz

  • bug fix: quiz was some correct answers as incorrect when they were in scientific notation (thanks, Karen!)

Thermochemical Equations Quiz

  • bug fix: clicking the “Load More Problems Like This” button would cause the quiz to crash 🤦🏻‍♂️

Other improvements

  • maintenance: made lots of “under the hood” code improvements to the quizzes to prepare for server software upgrade this summer

Please keep submitting your bug reports and suggestions! It makes it much easier to fix things when people tell me about them, and has improved a lot over the past four years because of all the teachers and students who have reached out to help.

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Threads and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

We only have two more weeks until semester exams at my school, and then I get to take our Environmental Club to the Ohio Envirothon Competition for the fourth year in a row! This year’s state competition takes place in June at Hocking College in Nelsonville, Ohio, which is in the southeast corner of the state and has some of the prettiest landscape around. I know I mentioned this last spring, but if you’re in the U.S. or Canada and your state or province participates in the Envirothon competition, I highly recommend getting involved!

Thanks again for all of your support, suggestions and feedback over the past four years! Working on with so many great science teachers from all over the world has been an awesome and uplifting experience. Please feel free to reach out any time via the Contact form or at if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care, stay safe, and for those of you in the United States and Canada, good luck with the rest of this school year!



April 2024 newsletter: One-at-a-time mode, colligative properties, excluding ions and more!

Hi everybody, I hope you’re doing well! In this newsletter, I’ve included the following important updates about

  • *NEW* Concentration and colligative properties problems!
  • *NEW* One-at-a-time question mode!
  • *NEW* Exclude specific ions from the Naming Compounds Quiz!
  • Bug fixes and other improvements
  • Site license renewals for 2024-2025 school year

*NEW* One-at-a-time question mode!

Back in December, I received a great suggestion from Malcolm to create a new quiz mode that would only show one question at a time based on feedback he was getting from his students who felt stressed when they saw all of the questions at once. I’ve been teaching for 26 years and have also noticed an increase in anxiety triggers in my own students, so I figured out how to add a new “One question at a time” mode to all of the quizzes on the site!

When you’re creating an assignment, choose this option at the bottom of the form:

Then, when students take the quiz, the questions will look something like this:

The “Grade It!” button only appears on the last question to prevent students from clicking it too early (thanks, Matthew!), but if you activate the “Save progress” option, that button will still show up on every question (thanks, Yvonne!).

Currently, this option is only available to teachers and students at schools with active site licenses. Thanks again to all of the teachers who helped me figure out how to make this new feature happen! I’m hoping that it helps students focus on the problem in front of them instead of worrying about how many they still have left to complete.

*NEW* Concentration & colligative properties problems!

Last month, I started filling in some topical gaps in by adding molecular Lewis structures to the Lewis Dot Structures Quiz. This month, I’ve added colligative properties problems to the renamed Concentrations & Colligative Properties of Solutions Quiz – vapor-pressure lowering (Raoult’s Law), boiling-point elevation and freezing-point depression!

I also added mass percentage, molality, mole fraction (X) and parts per million concentration calculations to the quiz:

To minimize student confusion, I also added an option to lock solvent & solution units to appropriate values based on the problem type:

For example, if you select this option and you’re generating molality problems, all of the solvent values will be in kilograms. Otherwise, the quiz will choose randomly from the solvent units you’ve chosen.

I did my best to test out all of the new problem types, including as multiple choice questions, but if you come across any impossible concentrations, weird bugs or other issues, please let me know. I hope the new colligative property problems and concentration options are useful for you and your students. Thanks to Ken, Andrew, Kelly, Barbara, Abby, Helen, Theresa and all of the teachers who reached out with suggestions on how to improve this quiz!

*NEW* Exclude specific ions!

In last month’s newsletter, I wrote about adding polyatomic ions questions to the Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz. Shortly after sending that out, I received a fantastic rant from original supporter Ryan about how much he hates mercury ions! 😂 His email made me laugh so hard that I realized I just had to do something about the numerous requests I’ve received over the years to allow teachers to exclude certain ions from that quiz.

My main concern about adding this feature to the quiz was due to the number of options that it already has. The Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz is by far the most popular quiz on the site, so I didn’t want to add even more options that might confuse users.

To square this circle, I created a new “advanced option” category that only appears for teachers in the Dashboard! Teachers at schools with an active site license can now exclude specific ions from the Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz by creating a new assignment or editing an existing assignment and checking the boxes next to ions they don’t want to show up for their students:

Thanks also to Bryan, Caytee, Drew, Matthew and all of the other teachers over the years who suggested this feature! I know you’ve been waiting for this for a while, so I appreciate your patience while I figure out (what I hope is) the best way to implement it. Ideas like these have helped me improve over the past four years, so please keep sending them in!

Bug fixes & other improvements

As always, thanks so much to all of the teachers and students who send in bug reports and suggestions for improving! As much as I want the site to be bug-free, there’s so much code that it’s simply impossible – for example, the Dashboard alone has over 10,000 lines of code in three different programming languages. 😱 That’s the reason I keep track of every bug or idea that I receive, because I couldn’t make these improvements without your help and I want to acknowledge everyone’s support. Here are all the updates I’ve made since the last newsletter:

Dashboard – these features and bug fixes also apply to!

  • improvement: allow teachers to limit the number of attempts to a specific number (e.g., 3) instead of just “yes” or “no” (thanks, Yana!)
  • improvement: export results CSV in format for Canvas (thanks, John, Matthew and Malcolm!)
  • bug fix: user accounts created with malformed usernames couldn’t see the Dashboard (thanks, Stephanie!)


  • improvement: updated exam page language for inactive exams
  • bug fix: “Save Progress” button was displaying in exams even when the setting was off (thanks, Yvonne!)

All Quizzes

  • new feature: option for students to see one question at a time (thanks, Malcolm!)
  • improvement: students were accidentally hitting the “Grade It!” button when they meant to go on to the next question in “one at a time” mode, so the button was moved to the last question (thanks, Matthew!)
  • bug fix: word wrap was not working in “one at a time” mode (thanks again, Matthew!)
  • bug fix: “Save Progress” button was not displaying in “one at a time” mode (thanks, Yvonne!)

Acid-Base Equilibrium Quiz

  • bug fix: key was not displaying in printable mode

Balancing, Identifying & Predicting Chemical Equations Quiz

  • improvement: FeCl2 + O2 reaction produces Fe3O4, which is confusing to students, so I removed it from the quiz (thanks, Yvonne!)

Chemical Thermodynamics Quiz

  • bug fix: incorrect values and units for free-energy change were showing up for word problems when solving for standard entropy change (thanks, Rhonda!)

Concentrations & Colligative Properties of Solutions Quiz

  • new feature: added ppm problems (thanks Barbara, Abby, Kelly, Helen and Susan!)
  • new feature: added % mass problems (thanks, Kelly and Andrew!)
  • new feature: added Raoult’s Law and colligative properties problems (thanks, Ken and Andrew!)
  • bug fix: check values for solute and concentration to make sure they’re realistic (thanks, Theresa!)

Lewis Dot Structures Quiz

  • correction: Lewis structure for propyne had too many hydrogens (thanks, Timothy!)
  • correction: lewis structure for GaH3 was incorrect (thanks, Scott!)
  • bug fix: quiz was not grading multiple choice responses for “draw structure” questions (thanks again, Scott!)
  • bug fix: duplicate Group number options were showing up for multiple choice questions (thanks, Danielle!)

Molecular Geometry & VSEPR Quiz

  • polyatomic ions were showing up as polar molecules even if they’re not technically polar (thanks, Chad!)

Naming Compounds & Calculating Molar Masses Quiz

  • new feature: allow teachers to exclude specific ions (thanks, Bryan and Ryan!)
  • improvement: added CH3CO2 and CH3COO as alternative responses in all acetate compounds (thanks, Katharine!)
  • correction: dichromate ion charge was incorrect (thanks, Yvonne!)
  • correction: peroxide ion formula was incorrect (thanks, Brenda!)
  • bug fix: blank answers were being marked as correct for compounds with alternate formulas in the database (thanks, Caytee!)
  • bug fix: nitrite was missing from the list of polyatomic ions to exclude (thanks again, Caytee!)
  • bug fix: when students forget to capitalize elements in polyatomic ion, like Nh instead of NH, it marks it wrong but tells them they forgot to capitalize the “L” (thanks again, Caytee!)
  • bug fix: new “exclude ions” feature was preventing quiz from selecting molecular compounds (thanks, Ryan!)
  • bug fix: IUPAC spellings of “aluminium” and “caesium” were not always accepted as correct answers in compound names (thanks, Danielle!)

Periodic Trends Quiz

  • new feature: added “Additional elements to include” option for Z > 86 (thanks, Mary Ann!)
  • correction: ionic radius for hydrogen was for anion instead of cation (thanks, Scott!)

Stoichiometry & Limiting Reagents Quiz

  • new feature: changed “percent yield” option so that it’s a distinct problem option instead of randomly showing up in problems (thanks, Matthew!)
  • improvement: distractors for percent yield multiple choice problems were often over 100% (thanks again, Matthew!)
  • bug fix: phase change “reactions” from Hess’s Law Quiz were included in problem sets, resulting in strange behavior, so they’re now excluded from problems (thanks again, Matthew!)

Other improvements

  • bug fix: creating users through CSV import wasn’t working due to a backend conflict with WooCommerce and an older version of PHP (thanks, Corey!)

Please keep submitting your bug reports and suggestions! has improved significantly over the past four years because of all the teachers and students who have reached out to me, so thank you all again for your support.

Site license renewals for 2024-2025 school year

It’s renewal time! In the next few weeks, I’m going to start sending out invoices for Dashboard site licenses for the 2024-2025 school year. Like last year, I’ll generate invoices using your most recent payment method; for example, if you purchased a site license with Square, you’ll get an invoice through Square. If you purchased a site license through a school purchase order, I’ll email you an invoice directly as a PDF attachment.

Site licenses are how I pay for web hosting and site security as well as the software I use to write and maintain the quizzes, and it keeps the website ad-free. I understand that financial situations can change from year to year, so if you’ve decided not to renew your Dashboard site license for next school year, just let me know and I’ll make sure you don’t receive an invoice or any reminders. I don’t want to bother any of my fellow educators.

If you’d like to purchase a 12-month site license or renew your existing license, you can do so right now in one of the following ways:

    • credit card through Square (the most popular option)
    • school purchase order (contact me for a sales quote – I’m also happy to fill out any paperwork required by your institution or state)

Additional schools in the same district can purchase an add-on license for 50% off at just US$35 per school. If you also teach physics or you have a colleague who does, you can bundle a site license for the Dashboard for just US$35 more! Please contact me if you have any questions about how to purchase a site license.

Finally, if you teach in a high poverty public school or district (at least 50% of your students on free/reduced lunch or designated “economically disadvantaged”), please send me a link to the supporting documentation and you’ll get a free site license for the Dashboard forever (, too!). I want to be a useful resource for as many students as possible.

Help me share with the world!

If you like using, there are three quick and easy things that you can do to help me promote the site!

  • Add your school to the list of supporters on the About page! Simply go to the Dashboard, click on “Your Info” in the top menu bar, activate the box next to “Display School on“, and click the “Update Your Info” button.
  • Tell another Chemistry teacher about and encourage them to try out the Dashboard!
  • Follow @ChemQuizDotNet on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook and Threads and share my updates with your fellow Chemistry teachers!

We just finished our Spring Break in my school district 😭, so while I’m sad that it’s over, that means we have less than eight weeks until the end of the school year! I hope your school year is wrapping up well, and if you have to deal with state-mandated testing like we do in Ohio, I hope it all passes as quickly and painlessly for you and your students as possible.

Thank you again for your continued support of! Please feel free to reach out to me via the Contact form or at if you have any questions, suggestions or concerns. Take care, and good luck with the rest of this school year!
