Create a new class

Documentation :: Teachers :: Classes :: Create a new class

To create a class, follow these steps:

  • Go to the Dashboard.
  • In the top menu, click on Classes: Dashboard menu with "Classes" circled
  • Click on the red Create a class button:
    "Create a Class" button
  • Complete the form with the following information:
    • Class Name: Enter the class name (e.g., “CP Chemistry – 2nd Period”). This is required and must be unique for your school.
    • Notes about this class: Enter any additional private notes about the class. This is optional and cannot be seen by students.
    • Add students to this class: If you have already created student accounts, you can add them to this class by checking the box next to their name(s). This is optional when creating a class.
  • Click the red Save new class button.

This video will walk you through the steps listed above:

Additional documentation about classes: